

Monday, 5 February 2018

“Nothing that’s worth anything is ever easy” Mike Hall.

I am going to try and blog again!!! I used to blog about mountain biking a bit, then life changes and it took a back seat.  So I have decided to take on a new challenge which is to do an ironman triathlon.  The idea has always been there in my head but never really came to anything until I started to take my youngest swimming.  Whilst she practiced I started to lane swim and was quickly lapped by my eldest who is thirteen, so being competitive I decided I wanted to get faster.

Obviously entering an ironman was the motivation I needed, to be honest though it was.  Most of the mountain biking I have done has been endurance, so I have a tendency for the longer events.  So I am going to talk about what it involves, but I haven’t turned my back on mountain biking, I just needed a new challenge.

The other decision I made since the last blog was to live life as a vegan.  living with someone who is a vegan, I found my diet changed, then listening to people like James Aspey it struck a chord with me.  It is not easy; the reaction from people varies from person to person.  But this is my blog so I also would like to give an insight into why I made this decision, and maybe convince others why it is a good decision, maybe break some of the stereotyping associated with this growing movement.