

Saturday, 24 November 2018

Why would you want to be Vegan?

Well the answer to that is most of you reading this wouldn't.  And how do you know there is a vegan in the room? they tell you of course.  I try not to tell people but it does come up in conversation and I am now writing this blog to tell you all about it so there you go.

If you haven't clicked off yet then thanks, all I want to do is tell you about what I have learned, what conclusions I came too and the rationale of the "why".  This is not intended to have a go or start a debate and not aimed at anyone.  Again I use this blog as my own diary so that one day I can look back and see what my life has been like, you never know the kids might too.

Essentially I became vegan because of my partner, she decided to follow the vegan philosophy, before me and I will admit I was sceptical and concerned out of not knowing what it is all about.   The actual reason I am vegan or plant based diet is because of someone called James Aspey.  He does a talk and part of it  just struck a chord and changed the way I view everything.

I don't think I am a better person for doing this, I don't look down at anybody either, I am doing this for myself.  There are lots of wonderful people in this world who eat meat so what is the point having a go? now I am vegan I wish they wouldn't obviously but it is their choice.  So that's the first thing off my chest.

I had a debate in the staff room the other day and I must admit I did get a bit preachy but I had my reasons.  The main reason was someone actually asked me "what you are vegan, so are you miserable?"  I had to ponder that one, I had always thought I was alright, the last few years have taken their toll but that's due to life glorious challenges.  Being vegan has actually been liberating and makes me feel happy.

I was also told that vegan diet was silly because I am not that healthy due to my tendency to consume the odd drop of alcohol.  Well I will be honest here,  the vegan diet is not necessarily the healthiest diet, anybody who claims that their diet is are on loose ground.  And yes I drink too much, I am not vegan for that reason though and try to just eat healthily and yes I do take supplements.   But overall you do feel better.

So why be vegan?  I made this desicin because James Aspey said that if you love animals then how can you kill them?  It really made me think, I now cannot differentiate between a cow or a dog, a sheep or a cat, they are the same to me now and I believe that they should be allowed to live like any of us.  Its not radical, its purely about love, I have grown over the years and people involved in my life might think where the hell did this come from.  I think the same, but if one person reads this and starts to think about it then great.