Hope everyone had a good christmas and is looking forward to the new year. The new year brings ideas of resolutions and goals to acheive; and it is no different for me. As you get older it becomes a bit of more of the same, however after the year I have had, family is the priority. It is a shame that the last cycling team I was in has folded, but these things happen. I have made some good friends from this experience and no doubt will race with them again in some of the team events.
This year will be different though, a bit more laid back and more importantly; no pressure. Hopefully some of the preivious sponsors will get involved in my antics, but for now I am just setting my stall out so to speak. I will train with my mate Rob who is targeting the expert cat this year in xc, so expect to hear how he gets on as well. One resolution we have both made though is knock the alcohol consuption down in order to improve performance. To those of you who know myself and Rob, this has been the source of some amusement, we will endevour to aheive t-totalness (not a word I know, but you get what I mean).
So what for next year then?
I am aiming for three major races, 12hrs of exposure, Bontrager 24twelve, and kielder 100. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hear you cry. Ok, I did say never again, but I have also said I am giving up booze.
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