Had a pretty good week, good race, sold my old frame and got some decent training done. Not sure what to expect from having someone else planning your riding, but one thing is certain is that it will improve you. My measuring stick is guys who I know are on the plan have definitely got fitter and faster.
So it is up to me I suppose, I have a reasonable starting point, a new faster bike and www.ridercoaching.co.uk looking after my training. In the past it has been easy to look at what might have been (we have all done it) and put reasons for why I am not an elite rider with endless talent. It is simple in my book now, work hard and reap the rewards whatever they might be.
The first reward is complete 12hrs of exposure, in the top ten and then who knows what might happen. I have kept my goal realistic and not stated a podium is on the cards but I will definitely give it a shot.
So there you go; it’s out there for all to see, this is the first of my goals this year. Hopefully I will not make a complete idiot of myself, watch this space I have done on numerous occasions.
We shall find out in April.