
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Ridercoaching race series
The picture shows me smiling which I cannot remember doing alot of on the day. The preparation was fine leading up to the event, training was good, I felt fit and apart from breaking my freehub on the race wheel everything else was ok.
The week leading up to the event things got weird at work and put me off balance, then the weather turned horrible and things just started to get to me. Anyway I managed to haul myself up to the start and when we got going I managed to get away well and was in third after the first lap. As the laps went on however my head started to sink and with each pedal stroke I just wanted it to end. I had a few trips off the bike and that was it I packed in after a few hours.
I would normally feel bad about this and in the past I was a "never quit" person and could not understand people who did. The positive I got from it though was that until I spat my dummy out I was going alright.
The moral here is that in one of my last blogs (which I need to do more of) I said that I was mentally strong and nothing got to me. Obviously that is a lie and I am now working out how to get my head from up my arse.
Perhaps its new bike time.
PS the event was well run and a great atmosphere, so I am definately in the next round at Clumber!
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Just Riding
Its been a really nice end to the week, lovely weather and I got up early to do a nice spin up some hills around Matlock. I have not set the world on fire with my pace but this was always just about riding (I did most of the work in the week).
I use strava for recording the route which hopefully you can see..........
I use strava for recording the route which hopefully you can see..........
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
The story so far……………………………………
It has been a weird year. The weather has played havoc with most peoples races, the big ones I looked forward to this year have been a wash out, notably Mountain Mayhem and Bonty. Then family commitments, time and funding have also been an issue. These things affect everybody and whilst this blog may have started a little negative there are positive things to come out of this year.
I have not actually done much endurance wise this year, but my best result has to be 10th in the 12hrs of exposure and 8th at wiggle 6 in the mixed pairs. Both of which show that there is potential to do well in the future. Then there is the coaching side of things; I have built up a log of some useful data to work from. Working with Rider Coaching has definitely improved my fitness, and now the next stage is to plan and train more specifically to try and go up another level.
All of which is achievable, it is now a case of proving it.
I entered the local mtb time trials this year and in round one I got a reasonable result.
It is quite nice to see your name behind an elite world cup rider (and potential Olympian David Fletcher) and a potential elite rider (Aron Marshall). I entered a few 1hr XC races over the summer with my highest place being 8th, but generally I was top 15 in most races. I have never really liked XC, but this year I have realised that it is all part of the same bigger picture of racing. I suppose I just never liked getting beat, I don’t think anybody does really. I have to get it off my chest though that this somehow makes me soft. I am not soft or flimsy like some riders I know who pack in if the wind is blowing the wrong way. I never make excuses; I know my capabilities and push to my own limits always. And let me tell you; I go way beyond what a 39 year old 30 a day ex-smoker who liked to party should do. So comments like that I get can get shoved up peoples proverbial.
I have not actually done much endurance wise this year, but my best result has to be 10th in the 12hrs of exposure and 8th at wiggle 6 in the mixed pairs. Both of which show that there is potential to do well in the future. Then there is the coaching side of things; I have built up a log of some useful data to work from. Working with Rider Coaching has definitely improved my fitness, and now the next stage is to plan and train more specifically to try and go up another level.
All of which is achievable, it is now a case of proving it.
I entered the local mtb time trials this year and in round one I got a reasonable result.
It is quite nice to see your name behind an elite world cup rider (and potential Olympian David Fletcher) and a potential elite rider (Aron Marshall). I entered a few 1hr XC races over the summer with my highest place being 8th, but generally I was top 15 in most races. I have never really liked XC, but this year I have realised that it is all part of the same bigger picture of racing. I suppose I just never liked getting beat, I don’t think anybody does really. I have to get it off my chest though that this somehow makes me soft. I am not soft or flimsy like some riders I know who pack in if the wind is blowing the wrong way. I never make excuses; I know my capabilities and push to my own limits always. And let me tell you; I go way beyond what a 39 year old 30 a day ex-smoker who liked to party should do. So comments like that I get can get shoved up peoples proverbial.
Friday, 31 August 2012
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Long delay
It’s been a few weeks since I last blogged, I wonder how many times people have started with that line? Well it has been a long while anyway and the reason is that as with anybody doing this sort of thing there are periods whereby nothing seems to be moving.
I had a complete rest last week, coach put up a training plan but I had a mental block and just could not get motivated. This week is different though, inspired by my rest and lack of effort last week he has been fairly hard this week which ends with a Friday night xc race tomorrow. As I keep promising I will let you know how I get on.
It’s a funny time of year for me; my wife has a lot of commitments and so I have had to pass on some fairly important races to me which last year I enjoyed. Oh well that is life and having two beautiful girls, wife and job; something has to give every now and then. Whilst on the subject my eldest daughter Emily fancies doing some track riding so I have brought her some riding gear.
Like I said, beautiful ……………………………………………………..
I had a complete rest last week, coach put up a training plan but I had a mental block and just could not get motivated. This week is different though, inspired by my rest and lack of effort last week he has been fairly hard this week which ends with a Friday night xc race tomorrow. As I keep promising I will let you know how I get on.
It’s a funny time of year for me; my wife has a lot of commitments and so I have had to pass on some fairly important races to me which last year I enjoyed. Oh well that is life and having two beautiful girls, wife and job; something has to give every now and then. Whilst on the subject my eldest daughter Emily fancies doing some track riding so I have brought her some riding gear.
Like I said, beautiful ……………………………………………………..
Sunday, 10 June 2012
This is what happens when you know you need to swap your pedals, but you just want to get one more ride out of them. I had been on a long ride when I thought I would finish the loop with a quick blast around the red run in sherwoodpines. So a combination of fatigue and showing off eneded up in my right foot comming un clipped and hitting the deck very hard. My leg is still some funny shades of yellow but the pain is starting to ease.

So this sorry looking leg leads to this, ice and a support.

Anyway, still managed a friday night race this week and did ok(ish) Also got to meet some important people so watch this space as they say, it is quite exiting though.

So this sorry looking leg leads to this, ice and a support.

Anyway, still managed a friday night race this week and did ok(ish) Also got to meet some important people so watch this space as they say, it is quite exiting though.
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Project Marathon
Ok, I really have nothing to talk about in this blog. I went to Manchester velodrome this last week which was a great thing to do. I realised that I am getting older though because it took me a while to get the confidence to ride up to the top of the track. This was pointed out to me a few times this week by one of my mates at the time trial who asked if I wanted join in his daughters race in case I got scared.
This is also the sign of age because I really thought it was funny and replied that his daughter would probably beat me as well.
I have struggled this week for inspiration, I need a goal. So a quick trawl of the World Wide Web came up with this,
“Creative Visualization and the Power of Thoughts”
Basically if you think it then you can make it a reality, loads of philosophical stuff! Anyway, the upshot is that I now have a majorly serious goal. I want to be veteran marathon champ!
A very tall order, but look at the positives (really?)
I am a year away from that category, so, have a load of time to train and talk about how good I could be, and then ten years of actually being a vet to achieve my goal. Therefore anything could happen; hopefully all the really fast guys might clear off and let me win. Most of the stuff I set out to do is achieved one way or another, I am not sure about this though, but I think it is worth a shot, and now I have wrote it down I have to try. Ridercoaching is aware of this goal and fully supports this endeavour and is also a reason to believe it is possible, maybe a change of team colours next year might also be an inspiration.
Watch this space as they say…………………………………………………………………
This is also the sign of age because I really thought it was funny and replied that his daughter would probably beat me as well.
I have struggled this week for inspiration, I need a goal. So a quick trawl of the World Wide Web came up with this,
“Creative Visualization and the Power of Thoughts”
Basically if you think it then you can make it a reality, loads of philosophical stuff! Anyway, the upshot is that I now have a majorly serious goal. I want to be veteran marathon champ!
A very tall order, but look at the positives (really?)
I am a year away from that category, so, have a load of time to train and talk about how good I could be, and then ten years of actually being a vet to achieve my goal. Therefore anything could happen; hopefully all the really fast guys might clear off and let me win. Most of the stuff I set out to do is achieved one way or another, I am not sure about this though, but I think it is worth a shot, and now I have wrote it down I have to try. Ridercoaching is aware of this goal and fully supports this endeavour and is also a reason to believe it is possible, maybe a change of team colours next year might also be an inspiration.
Watch this space as they say…………………………………………………………………
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Ok, look, it’s not like this bike lark is important....... Alright it is then, but I have reached a little block whereby I am not sure what to do next. I suppose training with rider coaching and riding for my local team of Sherwood pines was all new and exciting and now the novelty is not new.
The training is really going well though; I am now able to keep position with local riders that last year were leaving me for dead. So now the question is how far can I go with this? I am truly happy with my fitness, biking and life at the minute and so the danger is complacency could set in and I will not progress. The coaching will look after my fitness but most of mountain bike racing is in the head as well.
My training partner has dropped off a bit and I never realised how much that can affect you as well, so a new regime is needed and plan me thinks. I am actually starting to enjoy racing whether I win or not, which is a revelation. The problem is that I now have done the races I set out to do and so have nothing really to train for. So it is back on the net to look for inspiration.
Until then I have got a backup plan of doing the MTB night’s series. It certainly is not a stop fill though, the first of these events was on Friday and it was well run and thoroughly enjoyable. There are five races in the series so I will let you know how I get on.......................
The training is really going well though; I am now able to keep position with local riders that last year were leaving me for dead. So now the question is how far can I go with this? I am truly happy with my fitness, biking and life at the minute and so the danger is complacency could set in and I will not progress. The coaching will look after my fitness but most of mountain bike racing is in the head as well.
My training partner has dropped off a bit and I never realised how much that can affect you as well, so a new regime is needed and plan me thinks. I am actually starting to enjoy racing whether I win or not, which is a revelation. The problem is that I now have done the races I set out to do and so have nothing really to train for. So it is back on the net to look for inspiration.
Until then I have got a backup plan of doing the MTB night’s series. It certainly is not a stop fill though, the first of these events was on Friday and it was well run and thoroughly enjoyable. There are five races in the series so I will let you know how I get on.......................
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Wiggle 6 Enduro Catton Park 6th may
I hate running!
This race is quite an experience in how its run and how you achieve the best result.
It is a 6 hour endurance race but when you enter as a team this is quite different. I
basically look at it as 4 or 5 XC races in quick succession.
The event is unique with its closed pit area and like other enduros there is the dreaded
running start. I entered with Lorna Rider in the mixed pairs and to be honest when
I clicked the mouse when entering there was a part of me that thought a podium was
achievable. This is always the case I suspect whenever you enter a race otherwise you
would never dream. Anyway fast forward to three days before the race and looking at
the entries it was clear that a top 10 finish was a great result.
And guess what we got 8th !!!!!!!!!!!! So I am well happy.
How we got there was not that dramatic however, it was just a combination of careful
lap choices and pedal power. Lorna had an issue with her front brake which slows
you down somewhat and I had a wobble on my second set of 2 laps. I put that down
to not drinking enough and saving myself for the end of the race though. Other than
that the only thing to really mention is the course was tacky and quite muddy in some
places which slowed everybody down a bit but at least the sun shone on us all day.
As for my team mate, I definitely would race again in any event and in any team.
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Rain, rain and more rain
A funny week, had it all planned and everything was put up on training peaks but once again the British weather intervened. This week’s training was for the build-up to Wiggle Enduro 6 at Catton Park next weekend. Also I had a long road ride planned with some friends which would take us up to the east coast and back.
Monday set the tone really, I went out on the road with Rob and as soon as we set off it felt like a boat would be more appropriate rather than our road bikes. However we pushed on and it actually turned out to be a nice evening, and I got some sprint intervals done. Tuesday was trusty turbo day, and then Wednesday was road. The weather did not let up and I really did not want to go out in it again so after a consult with rider coaching it was deemed more useful to have a couple of days rest. Friday was back on the turbo because of family stuff, which set me up for the days ride on Saturday.
Training and family life is difficult; this also made Saturday a bit problematic as well. The plan was to do a long day out riding and have a laugh. I had to be back for 3pm and when you are planning to 100miles and more this made it a bit of a higher intensity affair. That coupled with the fact the lads would not set off any earlier (I think they were annoyed I had to get home early) made the day a bit of a timed affair.
Anyway we got going (late) and everything seemed fine, a bit of a slow start for some and then 10miles or so in disaster struck with a broken gear cable. Got to Brig and found the bike shop where it was repaired successfully, then on to Humber Bridge. The ride out was also made nice and hard by a sharp cold head wind (loads of fun). Got there in one piece though and after some sports nutrition consisting of sausage egg, bacon we headed back. The journey back was made easier with the wind behind us and was only made a bit of a slog by some more rain.
So a fairly eventful week with some miles, sprints and large bridges. I still feel good though, I know this cannot continue but this is the best I have felt physically in a long time.
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Wet, Wet, Wet.
It’s been two weeks since Necastleton and so I thought I had better write something. Usually I would not have much to say because I would have been taking it easy. However there is some stuff I can report. The first day back at work on Tuesday following the race it was noted that I was walking "like a cowboy" by a colleague. This made me smile but also proud because I had obviously been pushing myself to end up so battered.
Wednesday I did a gentle ride to work to free up my legs then a few recovery spins rest of the week, then out on Saturday morning with some mates from the gym on the mountain bike. So nothing much to report other than I did not push at all.
Then it was business as usual this last week. Monday I went out on the road and averaged 18ish for a couple of hours, Tuesday was rest and then Wednesday I attempted the Sherwood pines MTB time trial. It always seems a good idea, I mean it’s only three laps how hard can that be? Well its bloody hard I can tell you especially when you need to wear a snorkel. I think I did ok but will probably never know because timing is not high on agenda in this event, this is not a dig by the way, (just in case the organiser is reading).
Anyway back on the turbo Thursday and then a long ride home Friday............. or so I thought. The rain was horrendous, people will say I am a wuss but honestly I was cold wet and so hacked off that this ride got cut short from 3 hours to 45 minutes! Yesterday was cool, a good 5 hours on the MTB with two mates in a "no holds barred" treck across Nottinghamshire’s finest muddy fields. You would think I would be battered?
I genuinely am not, was tired yes, but battered no. The training is working it seems, the only slight concern is that my left knee is a bit painful but again I think that is just a product of getting fitter and faster, courtesy of rider coaching (got to big up the sponsor, but it genuinely works). A mate at the time trial commented on my physique so does this mean I am turning into a proper bike racer? It seems as though I might actually becoming the kind of geek I used to mock, oh well shit happens.
Wiggle 6 is up next, I wish I was at Dalby this weekend but good luck to David Fletcher who was the only person to catch me Wednesday (he did start way after me and battled through everyone to catch up though, proper elite).
Monday, 9 April 2012
Great Weekend
Friday morning came round and Mick turned up nice early with Russ (our pit crew), and off we set to Newcastleton for the 12hrs of exposure championships. I like the endurance scene and I put myself down as a bit of an endurance rider so I had loads of butterflies because this was my race.
Anyway, skip forwards to today and everything I had set out to do I achieved. I came 10Th in the end which is what I had said I wanted in previous blogs, but the whole experience delivered much more. Honestly I love racing, but the mountain bike experience is much more than that, I have not laughed so much in ages. From the word go it was just daft humour. Russ used to mountain bike but now days he is a time trial and road rider, so it was inevitable he got the first lot of abuse, from then everyone was fair game.
Got settled in the digs and unpacked the 2 tonne of kit you take to these races, which we all agreed you will probably never need. Then around tea time we set off for a sighting lap. There was a slight bit of drizzle but it did not matter too much because the guys at Rock UK had worked hard on the course which stood up well to the damp conditions. The course pretty much followed last years with a few minor changes so all was good. Then after a trip to the village for some food everything was ready for the next days racing.

The start in Newcastleton is a great affair, you have to sign the entry board which gives it a tour De France type feel and is the closest you would ever get to feeling like a professional rider. Then it is a steady procession out of the village back up to the course and once the pace car leaves it is gloves off boys and girls.
For once in my life I listened to advice and did as I was told. Last year I blasted away at the start which cost me; this year I took it steady and warmed up into the race which paid off and got me my top ten finish. This looked unlikely when I looked at the line up which included Matt Page who won last years 24hr champs. This resigned me to a top twenty finish being good, that weirdly, might have helped because I was more relaxed.

Apart from the usual wobble 4 laps in when you question your sanity; the race went pretty much to plan. I came in for my last lap which only left me a small margin as to whether I would make the cut off. I was never not going to ride my last lap but words of encouragement from Russ to the effect of "get your finger out" saw me set off. This why I know my training is starting to pay off because I really could push on the last lap and was one of my quickest. This is a new experience as because normally my head wants to push but my body will not in previous endeavours, usually it is sheer will power that gets me round.
So in the short time I have been coached I have jumped 12 places from last years result, more miles completed and a feeling that there is genuinely more to come. I got home to my lovely wife and kids and a giant Sunday dinner and was thinking that life does not get better than this.
Anyway, skip forwards to today and everything I had set out to do I achieved. I came 10Th in the end which is what I had said I wanted in previous blogs, but the whole experience delivered much more. Honestly I love racing, but the mountain bike experience is much more than that, I have not laughed so much in ages. From the word go it was just daft humour. Russ used to mountain bike but now days he is a time trial and road rider, so it was inevitable he got the first lot of abuse, from then everyone was fair game.
Got settled in the digs and unpacked the 2 tonne of kit you take to these races, which we all agreed you will probably never need. Then around tea time we set off for a sighting lap. There was a slight bit of drizzle but it did not matter too much because the guys at Rock UK had worked hard on the course which stood up well to the damp conditions. The course pretty much followed last years with a few minor changes so all was good. Then after a trip to the village for some food everything was ready for the next days racing.
The start in Newcastleton is a great affair, you have to sign the entry board which gives it a tour De France type feel and is the closest you would ever get to feeling like a professional rider. Then it is a steady procession out of the village back up to the course and once the pace car leaves it is gloves off boys and girls.
For once in my life I listened to advice and did as I was told. Last year I blasted away at the start which cost me; this year I took it steady and warmed up into the race which paid off and got me my top ten finish. This looked unlikely when I looked at the line up which included Matt Page who won last years 24hr champs. This resigned me to a top twenty finish being good, that weirdly, might have helped because I was more relaxed.
Apart from the usual wobble 4 laps in when you question your sanity; the race went pretty much to plan. I came in for my last lap which only left me a small margin as to whether I would make the cut off. I was never not going to ride my last lap but words of encouragement from Russ to the effect of "get your finger out" saw me set off. This why I know my training is starting to pay off because I really could push on the last lap and was one of my quickest. This is a new experience as because normally my head wants to push but my body will not in previous endeavours, usually it is sheer will power that gets me round.
So in the short time I have been coached I have jumped 12 places from last years result, more miles completed and a feeling that there is genuinely more to come. I got home to my lovely wife and kids and a giant Sunday dinner and was thinking that life does not get better than this.
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Mountain Biking
Ok, next Saturday I will set off for 12 hours of exposure.
For those of you who don't know "24 Hours of Exposure" and "12 Hours of Exposure" are the UK's first and only 24 hour and 12 hour mountain bike endurance races for solo riders only. The event also includes the prestigious title of UK & European Solo Championships, crowning the 24 hour and 12 hour champions.
So all the training is done, the bike is ready and my strategy planned (well sort of)
Anyway its here and so to let you in on what actually goes on; here is a video of the 2011 European Champs, courtesy of Josh Ibbett. , the course takes in part of the 7 Stanes and is the reason I love to mountain bike. I am not sure how I will go, but I will certainly will do my best.
For those of you who don't know "24 Hours of Exposure" and "12 Hours of Exposure" are the UK's first and only 24 hour and 12 hour mountain bike endurance races for solo riders only. The event also includes the prestigious title of UK & European Solo Championships, crowning the 24 hour and 12 hour champions.
So all the training is done, the bike is ready and my strategy planned (well sort of)
Anyway its here and so to let you in on what actually goes on; here is a video of the 2011 European Champs, courtesy of Josh Ibbett. , the course takes in part of the 7 Stanes and is the reason I love to mountain bike. I am not sure how I will go, but I will certainly will do my best.
Monday, 26 March 2012
Oh No
It is only two weeks until 12hrs of exposure, only 2 weeks! Where does the time go? This always happens to me, I think nothing is happening and then all of a sudden the races are here.
So am I prepared? Compared to last year the answer would be yes, I have trained, I have a good bike and accommodation and things needed to race are in place. Even down to our own pit man who is also looking after last years 2nd place veteran Mick Powell. So I guess I am ready, but I still feel like I am not.
It was the first national race at Sherwoodpines yesterday and it was great to be able to watch the top elites slug it out at break neck speed. Seriously quick people in all categories so I was glad to just be a spectator. This is my home race so I should have been on track really but I have done two xc races already. There is also my family who have to put up with me and this also puts time and financial pressures on a season’s race diary so it was thought best to sit this one out.
For now here is my first video post, a short film of Rob Upton in the technical part of the Sherwood track, enjoy.......................
So am I prepared? Compared to last year the answer would be yes, I have trained, I have a good bike and accommodation and things needed to race are in place. Even down to our own pit man who is also looking after last years 2nd place veteran Mick Powell. So I guess I am ready, but I still feel like I am not.
It was the first national race at Sherwoodpines yesterday and it was great to be able to watch the top elites slug it out at break neck speed. Seriously quick people in all categories so I was glad to just be a spectator. This is my home race so I should have been on track really but I have done two xc races already. There is also my family who have to put up with me and this also puts time and financial pressures on a season’s race diary so it was thought best to sit this one out.
For now here is my first video post, a short film of Rob Upton in the technical part of the Sherwood track, enjoy.......................
Monday, 19 March 2012
Well it had to happen eventually
Round 2 of the Midlands xc series did not go according to plan.......
Had a good week training, did some quality road work mid week and had no warning of what was going to happen in the race. Warmed up, the sun came out for my race and I was sporting new kit and go faster white socks. When the gun went off I blasted away up the climb into the arena and took quite a few places. Then into the first bit of single track I got held up and things took a nose dive for me.

I could not get a rhythm and found it really tough, I had bike handling problems which caused me to fall off a few times and by the end of the first lap I was going backwards fast. I came through to start lap 4 and for the first time ever I had to call it a day.
So what went wrong? Well it certainly was not my training because that was going well all week. Chris (rider coaching), was watching and he said he could see I was not right, and put it down to a bug that was going around. I genuinely had nothing in me, and was a bit dazed most of the day. So it is rest time for me, and this is the great advantage of having a coach. Some top riders and people who have cycled a long time can sort themselves, but it is great to have someone who can tell you when to push and also when to rest.
There were also some other issues which contributed to my poor performance which I should admit. Having a 2.25 old racing ralph on the front with 40 psi in to keep it on the rim was probably the reason every root tried to kill me. And swapping pedals to have cleats that I knew needed replacing added to the dismay as I could not stay clipped in on any climb. This is entirely my own fault and I should know better by now, anyway a pair of rocket rons ust are on their way as we speak. A lesson learned I suppose, and at least my legs are not killing me today.
Had a good week training, did some quality road work mid week and had no warning of what was going to happen in the race. Warmed up, the sun came out for my race and I was sporting new kit and go faster white socks. When the gun went off I blasted away up the climb into the arena and took quite a few places. Then into the first bit of single track I got held up and things took a nose dive for me.
I could not get a rhythm and found it really tough, I had bike handling problems which caused me to fall off a few times and by the end of the first lap I was going backwards fast. I came through to start lap 4 and for the first time ever I had to call it a day.
So what went wrong? Well it certainly was not my training because that was going well all week. Chris (rider coaching), was watching and he said he could see I was not right, and put it down to a bug that was going around. I genuinely had nothing in me, and was a bit dazed most of the day. So it is rest time for me, and this is the great advantage of having a coach. Some top riders and people who have cycled a long time can sort themselves, but it is great to have someone who can tell you when to push and also when to rest.
There were also some other issues which contributed to my poor performance which I should admit. Having a 2.25 old racing ralph on the front with 40 psi in to keep it on the rim was probably the reason every root tried to kill me. And swapping pedals to have cleats that I knew needed replacing added to the dismay as I could not stay clipped in on any climb. This is entirely my own fault and I should know better by now, anyway a pair of rocket rons ust are on their way as we speak. A lesson learned I suppose, and at least my legs are not killing me today.
Monday, 12 March 2012
Week 3
Not much to report really. Still got some good training in and if you did not know already; I am using rider coaching to train me. I have round 2 of the midlands series coming up on sunday, so I will do a proper race report. Until then I have pictures of how my wife's car looks with new stickers on (she was so pleased).
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Week 2

Cycling is weird, or is it just me? Most people would agree the latter who know me. A funny week, some really good training courtesy of ridercoaching, some good road miles under the belt and topped off with an altercation with a driver who was lacking in moral fiber and viewed his car as a weapon. I have to say when he got out his car to inflict more damage to me and my mate Rob I did think I had bitten off more than I could chew. He looked like a cage fighter.
Anyway I survived and we all have stories of idiots on the road whether biking or otherwise. Things are going well, will talk more in depth about the training but for now all I can say you should consider a coach if you really want to improve.

If you are really interested here is a graph of the elevation on my Matlock ride, nice and easy hill work.
Monday, 27 February 2012
Week 1

Had a pretty good week, good race, sold my old frame and got some decent training done. Not sure what to expect from having someone else planning your riding, but one thing is certain is that it will improve you. My measuring stick is guys who I know are on the plan have definitely got fitter and faster.
So it is up to me I suppose, I have a reasonable starting point, a new faster bike and looking after my training. In the past it has been easy to look at what might have been (we have all done it) and put reasons for why I am not an elite rider with endless talent. It is simple in my book now, work hard and reap the rewards whatever they might be.
The first reward is complete 12hrs of exposure, in the top ten and then who knows what might happen. I have kept my goal realistic and not stated a podium is on the cards but I will definitely give it a shot.
So there you go; it’s out there for all to see, this is the first of my goals this year. Hopefully I will not make a complete idiot of myself, watch this space I have done on numerous occasions.
We shall find out in April.
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Day 1
Ok, so I have a cunning plan……………
It is six weeks until 24 hours of exposure in which I will cheat and only do the 12hr event. There is a reason for my lack effort to pedal for another twelve hours apart from the fact it is insane, it is because I did the same race last year, so basically can I better myself this year?
I did an XC race yesterday, which was the first race of the season, and I have to say that it was definitely a shock to the system. The course was not my cup of tea to be honest; this is because I have never owned a BMX or 4X bike. It was simply a flat out time trial which took 01:42:02 for 5 lap’s and saw me 15mins behind the winner.
Am I happy?
Oh yes, my goal was not to get lapped and be consistent, so a big tick in the boxes for me. So back to plan, the next part of the plan is to have a coach. This is really great because now I have one. What is even better is that when I logged on to see what I am down for today this is what he has put down.
Hello Rob Bradley,
Your Workouts for Monday, February 20
Type: Day Off
Life just gets better……………………………………..
Friday, 17 February 2012
Midlands Series

Well its that time of year again. My first race of the year is on Sunday and I am pretty exited. I have entered the masters cat so I am not expecting to set the world on fire, this is because there are some really quick guys in the mix.
What I want to achieve though is to give a good account of myself, pedal hard and enjoy the pain. It will be ace to catch up with some mates and be part of what we ride, train and enjoy so much.
See ya there ................................
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Don't take this the wrong way

Got up this morning and set off to meet a mate to have a blast around Sherwood pines. The ride in was cool, I had my ipod on and every track selected by shuffle rocked.
I landed at pines and did a lap with John, and his ace dog called Toby, then set off on my own for a few more hours. Did five hours in total and loved it. Riding with mates is cool, but today I loved the isolation. The picture is the back end of Clipstone and as a local to Mansfield it is easy to put down where we live. This is backed up by the program 'coppers', but to be honest; there isn't that much up with our little mining town, just look at the picture.
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Dalby Forest
A good weekend in many ways. I have just woke up to see a post on facebook that Andrew Cockburn and his wife Claire have just had their first child. All seems well and this is the third arrival in my circle of friends this last few weeks and all of them seem to be doing fine.
It is not easy having kids, but I must admit I am slightly jealous of that feeling of excitement and wonder of what the future might hold. If I am am honest I actually liked all the fuss people make of you at these times of your life.
Anyway my kids are currently harassing me for breakfast and the use of this computer that I am trying to write this blog on. Enjoy it guys while it lasts. Did a lap of Dalby forest though yesterday. I had great ride and enjoyed it but I do have a slight negative. This is because I backed out of worry gill, and crashed out twice attempting medusa. I think its a sign of age creeping up, I just switched off and you really must not when attempting silly things like that.
My mate Rob Upton flew down both, but he is young and I am not. I don't want to boost his ego too much but he really is going well. I also took delivery of some new team kit after swinging by sherwoodpines cycles. I am going to focus more this year on me and my racing, but it does feel good to part of a team as well.
Saturday, 14 January 2012
Cannock Chase
A cold start to the morning, -4 to be precise. Not to worry though because we have had a really mild run of weather so far and it did not matter because the sun was shining.
I have to say well done to the people at Chase Trails though, opinion is something mountain bikers are not shy to give out. My opinion is that these trails are fantastic, so there! PS sorry to the lad who desperately tried to move out of our way which ended in a crash, bless him.
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Need to start bloging
Its a funny time of year, not really sure of what training to do, not really sure of what bike to race and not really motivated to anything bicycle related. What I have been doing though is riding, doing a few sessions on the turbo trainer and watch what everyone else is up to.
Most people it seems have got their teams sorted, sponsors and planned their season already. I am far from that point but I am sure things will come good. So I am off to do some e-mails to people to see if they can help me out this year, this racing lark is expensive you know!
Most people it seems have got their teams sorted, sponsors and planned their season already. I am far from that point but I am sure things will come good. So I am off to do some e-mails to people to see if they can help me out this year, this racing lark is expensive you know!
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